Airbnb advertise huts for around £ 50.00/ night (Low Season) and £ 150/ night (High Season). If you were even to have a low occupancy you can still easily generate a tax free income up to £ 7,500 per year from letting out a furnished hut in your home, which will quickly pay for itself.
Take a look at our Shephard Hut
Does a Shephard hut need planning?
The hut itself will not need planning, it is what you do with it that matters. These are mobile structures a bit like a caravan, so a general rule would be that they won’t require any planning permission (permitted development). If you plan to use it for commercial use, we recommend approaching your local planning office and seek a permitted development right with the inclusion of what you would like to use it for, this will highlight any requirements you may have to comply with, to ensure it meets your needs.
So, with Staycation staying with us and for the occasional use, what an ideal way to extend your home with a Shephard hut and you can relocate it with you if you decide to move.